In the current landscape of financial journalism, two types of publications prevail: Those offering digestible material at the expense of depth, and those conducting deep-founded analysis in the subjectively appropriate language, incomprehensible for those outside of the finance industry. When the aim is to convey the real world impact of policies and financial instruments to those currently trying to make sense of the underlying concepts through which these impacts come to stand, neither type fits the bill.

We aim to alleviate this imbalance by offering commentary and forecasting of current economic events, contextualized with explanations of the mechanisms relevant to the topic. The aim is to not simply offer an opinion, but rather to give the reader the opportunity to understand how our opinion is formulated, in order to be able to independently derive their own. CAPITALEIST articles can be read as news, as well as a basis to understand basic economic and financial concepts - specifically for students.

The name may need some explanation. As humans we understand the world in stories. We make them up in poetry, art and music, going as far back as learning the ABCs with a well-known melody. Harnessing the art of reimagining complex concepts and systems as stories leads to a deeper intrinsic understanding - that is our belief, at least. We aim to distill the topics we talk about into understandable building blocks, and stack them together to tell tales of how and why things the happening around us - call us CAPI-TALE-ISTS.

A reading guide for our articles: As with any economic forecasting, I would like to restate that we are talking about human behavior governed by factors going way beyond mathematical models - This cannot be understated. Arguments substantiated by mathematical models will be explicitly denoted, otherwise it can be assumed that the line of argumentation is based on past performance, best-practice and subjective reasoning, which may or may not coincide with future reality. Assumptions will be made, and I warmly encourage discourse about their accuracy and substantiation in the comment section. Additionally I want to stress the political neutrality of all current and future articles, as the topics are chosen solely based on their relevancy for explaining the matter at hand and are abstract from judgement and bias in spirit of knowledge and understanding.

Best regards, Nikita (Editor)